Peoples' Weather Map


Iowa Climate Scientists

The Peoples’ Weather Map offers interviews with major climate scientists in Iowa, from agronomists and chemists, to public health researchers and engineers.  They share their personal stories and their advice about the best places, on line, to learn about the climate.

Chemist Betsy Stone (Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa):

Weather scientist Chris Anderson (Climate Science Program, Iowa State University):

Economist and policy analyst David Osterberg (Occupational & Environmental Health, University of Iowa):

Geographer Eric Tate (Geographical & Sustainability Sciences, University of Iowa):

Chemical engineer Greg Carmichael (Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, University of Iowa):

Communication specialist Jean Goodwin (Speech Communication, Iowa State University):

Environmental engineer Jerry Schnoor (Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa):

Public health scientist Peter Thorne (College of Public Health, University of Iowa):

Agronomist Rick Cruse (Iowa State University):

Iowa Yearly Climate Reports

Every year, scientists from across Iowa and its many colleges and universities come together to offer Iowans an update on a particular feature of climate change affecting the state. The Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research, CGRER, coordinates this effort among its many members and affiliated scientists in Iowa. PWM is happy to share their reports, which can also be found on the website of CGRER.